Step into the enchanting world of Thriftique Marketplace, where every treasure has a story and every find feels like magic. Since 2013, we’ve been the ultimate destination for those who believe in the thrill of discovery, offering everything from timeless vintage pieces to unique decor that sparks joy.
Nestled in the historic Oberlie’s building at 2114 Pass Road, Gulfport, MS, our vendor mall is a treasure trove waiting to be explored. Visit us in person Wednesday through Saturday, 10 AM to 5 PM, and let the charm of our curated finds sweep you off your feet.
Can’t make it to Gulfport? Don’t worry—the magic doesn’t stop there! Our online store,, brings the wonder of Thriftique straight to your fingertips. Browse, shop, and even process offers or quotes online, all while sipping coffee in your coziest slippers.
And here’s the best part: we ship nationwide! From coast to coast, your perfect piece is just a few clicks away. Buyers pay for shipping, but isn’t it worth it to bring a little magic home?
Want to unlock even more thrifty delights? Download the Thriftique Marketplace app, your portal to exclusive discounts, thrifty rewards, and a front-row seat to the latest arrivals. Whether you shop in person or online, our treasures are here to make your spaces—and your life—extraordinary.
Your next story-filled find is waiting. Let’s make magic together!
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Condition | Used |