For over a decade, Thriftique Marketplace has been Gulfport’s go-to destination for savvy shoppers and treasure hunters alike. Nestled in the historic Oberlie’s Building on 2114 Pass Road, our store is a haven for those seeking unique finds, vintage gems, and high-quality pieces at unbeatable prices. Whether you re decorating your home, upgrading your wardrobe, or hunting for one-of-a-kind treasures, you ll find something to love here.
We’re open Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., offering a friendly and welcoming atmosphere that makes every visit an adventure. Can t make it in person? No worries! Shop anytime from the comfort of your home at www.thriftiquemarketplace.com.
And here’s the best part: we ship everything, from small trinkets to large furniture pieces! No matter where you are, you can complete your purchase online and have your treasures delivered to your doorstep. Make sure to request a shipping quote for the best rates, and don’t forget to download the Thriftique Marketplace App for exclusive deals and rewards.
Discover why Thriftique Marketplace is Gulfport’s not-so-hidden gem—your next treasure awaits!
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Condition | Used |